Metaphors, Regulars and Shorts

Metaphors for the Month: July 2013

By Suzanne Wagner

Method to universal madness.
by Suzanne Wagner

Osho Zen Tarot: Friendliness, Celebration, Existence
Medicine Cards: Otter, Swan
Mayan Oracle: Polarity, Chichan
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Seven of Disks, The Devil, Strength
Aleister Crowley Deck: Queen of Wands, Prince of Cups, The Priestess
Words of Truth: Transformation, Truth, Change

Here we are finally and fully into the Grand Water Trine for the next year and as our emotions begin to open and flow, it restores a feeling of trust in the world and the possibility that there might be a bit of method to the universal madness over the past three-plus years.

I like to think of this trine as the official return of the divine feminine to the planet.

The past few years have felt like we got caught up in a slew of metaphorical earthquakes where the foundations of our reality have been shaken to the point of crumbling and breaking down our old self and perspective around money, life, trust, love, work and spirituality. Now there is a tsunami of water to soothe and bathe us into a calmer perspective. The divine feminine returns and is washing away the chaos of the past and allowing us to wipe the slate clean.

The challenge comes in if we are unwilling to let the past go and if we are unwilling to allow a new flow to guide us rather than our mind.

Over the past three-plus years, our relationships have been challenged because of the Grand Cardinal Cross and Saturn being in Libra. We have felt pulled in four directions. The ground seemed to come out from underneath us, as if we were free falling into the unknown. Then the squares between Pluto and Uranus made us feel pulled between our future and the past. (By then Saturn moved into Scorpio on October 5, 2012 and for some of us it felt like the Grim Reaper meets Darth Vader. That isn’t all bad because these two big energies are at least talking and working together. But it has made us pull ourselves up and get back on the horse to work towards the goal that has seemed to evade us for the past few years. This can feel like a challenge but if we did not have the grounding aspect of this pattern, with Jupiter exalted in Cancer (a joyous and celebratory expression of love and devotion), Neptune at home in Pisces (an extremely artistic expression that throws all of us into the deep end of the emotional pool and wants to pull us into dreamland) we could have found our heads in the clouds and out of touch with reality.

Saturn is so grounding in Scorpio that it will help us translate this huge wave of energy into a much more realistic and tangible outcome.

From July 17-23 we have some cosmic effects that allow for profound emotional healing. It also allows for a spiritual healing and a resurgence of faith and trust. We will feel as if we have more energy than we have felt for a long time to kick us into gear. We should feel uplifted and more optimistic (which would be very helpful after all this gloom and doom). We will also notice that we have a magnetic power to draw into our life what we want and need. Through this process, we can finally come to understand our own emotional choices and see a larger divine plan at work in our life.

If you are a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) or if you have significant planets at the early degrees in water, you will feel tremendously empowered and energetically transformed.

This is a wonderful time to heal old family wounds and conflicts. Expect people from your past to come back into the picture and allow the healing that is being asked to release you from the story you have been telling yourself about that person or situation.

You are in a cycle of profound healing and reunion that will touch your core. Surrender your story of the past, allow yourself to play in the cooling waters of the feminine, feel the strength you have gained by confronting your deepest fears and celebrate the massive shifts you have manifested. You are on the road to reconnecting to what inspires your soul, allows you freedom and supports your expansion into your greatest self.

Have a fabulous month.

This article was originally published on June 28, 2013.