Metaphors, Regulars and Shorts

Metaphors for the Month: May 2014

By Suzanne Wagner

Moving through the desolate desert of May.

Osho Zen Tarot: Moment to Moment, Projections, Understanding
Medicine Cards: Wolf, Otter
Mayan Oracle: Transformer, Measure, Cimi
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Eight of Swords, Eight of Cups, Ten of Cups
Aleister Crowley Deck: Adjustment, The Priestess, Interference
Healing Earth Tarot: Five of Feathers, High Priestess, Empress
Words of Truth: Incompletion, Resentment, Telepathic Agreement

There are moments when you feel as if you are in a barren desolate wasteland in search of water and safety. You want to collapse and stop but you know that to do so would be a terrible idea. The month of May will feel like this.

You are shifting and everything is in disarray from the wild ride of the end of April and the Grand Cardinal Cross with the eclipses. You want to find a safe haven but it feels far away. April put you through a type of metaphorical death. To keep going when you want to stop seems pointless, but you are not dead yet and some part of you keeps saying, “Keep going!” So that is what you are going to do. All you can seem to manage is to navigate this moment; then the next and then the next.

There is a deep desire to try to make sense out of the changes, the incompletions in your life, and the deep feelings that are surfacing. You feel as if there is a wolf at the door and if you make one wrong move… your journey will prove pointless.

I wish that we could transform without being challenged. I wish life would stay nice and consistent. And yet we know that life does not work that way. May is a month of constant adjustments and continued blockages. There is nothing to do but deal with what is right in front of you.

Projections from others abound because you are not the only one feeling the pinch. Each of us will feel as if we are facing an insurmountable challenge and upon reflection we may just think that we have “missed the boat.”

Do not worry. Sometimes we make choices and the outcome is not what we intended. In life the only game is to take risks and change. Sometimes those changes were to get you out of restrictive circumstances. The universe will tempt you to get you to move; but often, in the end, you do not get the “goodie” that you thought you were going for.

Remember the song, “Me and Bobbie McGee,” by Janis Joplin? “Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.” In May we want freedom. We want to find a place of balance where we can just be who we are. But family, work, children, drama, upsets, world issues, global crises and money just keep getting in the way.

Right now you might feel like saying to heck with it all. But you know that doesn’t work, either. In the end, you would resent yourself and that would be worse.

It is time to stop chasing some utopian feeling and stand your ground, take responsibility, deal with the situation, and learn some new ways to cope emotionally.

This is easier said than done but you can feel how this “thing” is bugging you. Turn around, face the fear, find another answer, grow up and discover something about yourself. There is no reason to not try. It feels strained enough right now. A new option might be very refreshing. After the intensity of the last two weeks of April, there’s nothing left to lose. u

Suzanne Wagner is the author of numerous books and CDs on the tarot and creator of the Wild Women app. She now lives in California, but visits Utah for classes and readings frequently.

This article was originally published on May 4, 2014.