Regulars and Shorts

Briefly Noted: Get You Summer Smog Alerts!

By Sophie Silverstone

Get your summer smog alerts here!

– by Staff


Summer smog may look less creepy than the winter kind, but it’s every bit as bad for breathing bodies. Utah’s Division of Air Quality provides an air quality alert system that consists of Action Alerts: three symbols to indicate unrestricted, voluntary and mandatory actions for ozone pollution; and Health Guidance: EPA’s national standard Air Quality Index divided into six color-coded categories that correspond to levels of pollution and related guidance for people with health concerns. Ground-level ozone (smog) can lead to shortness of breath, chest pains and lung inflammation. Visit and for more ideas on how to reduce emissions.

—Utah Department of Environmental Quality

Air quality forecast available through UtahAir app (free download in Apple and Android apps stores),

website (, toll-free messages (1-800-228-5434), and regular email updates (

This article was originally published on July 23, 2015.