Aquarium Age

The Aquarium Age: Dec. 7-13

By Ralfee Finn

The planets are busy this week and daily life reflects that activity. And because the world seems more than a little mad (and there’s not too much left to say about that madness at this particular moment), this week’s column is focused on the details of the daily hustle and bustle rather than on the deeper celestial currents shifting the course of life here on Earth. There will be plenty of time for that as the coming weeks and months and years unfold.

Mercury is twelve days away from its final retrograde phase of the year, which begins on December 19 and ends on January 8, 2017, which means you only have nine days to backup your hard drive, get important documents signed, sealed and delivered, or buy any kind of new electronics. (Nine days is not an arithmetic error as I explain below.) The ongoing Jupiter/Uranus opposition is tightening its grip in preparation for its first exact contact on December 26. Venus moves into Aquarius today, December 7, and by the time Christmas dinner is cooked and served, the goddess of love will be in a powerful relationship with Uranus that’s certain to turn even the most traditional feast more than a little quirky. But that’s not all. Underlying this astral activity, Saturn provides the voice of reality as it forms a positive union with both Jupiter and Uranus, adding ballast to an environment that could easily become more extreme than it already is (if that’s even possible). You’ll want to use Saturn’s discerning presence to help you make your way through this week as well as the next few weeks. Its wisdom, while sobering, has the potential to shed light on a lot of shadows and offer structure where things seem to be falling apart.

Here are the details:

Mercury Retrograde begins on December 19, just in time for last minute shopping and holiday travel plans. As many readers already know, there is a three-day rule about Mercury Retrograde, but for those unfamiliar with this modern urban sky myth, the three days before and after a Mercury Retrograde phase also fall under the umbrella of retrograde dos and don’ts. Travel tends to be adversely affected by Mercury Retrograde, so make your plans now and be sure to leave enough time to include unforeseen delays and detours. By this time next week, we will be in the retrograde slowdown, so be sure to backup now.

For those whose lives are dependent upon electronics, pay special attention: Uranus Direct begins on December 29, in the middle of Mercury Retrograde, and because Uranus “course corrections” always feel like their own peculiar time signatures, and because Uranus symbolizes all things technical, from your alarm clock to your phone to your navigation system to your Alexa to your cloud…backup, backup, backup, especially if you are making presentations or need electronic documentation.

The ongoing Jupiter/Uranus opposition exacerbates extremes, and while it’s hard to imagine that anything could be more extreme than it already is, daily life is likely to grow increasingly polarized on a wide variety of issues from the personal to the political. If you worried about the conversation around the dinner table at Thanksgiving, your concerns are likely to continue through the rest of the holiday season. This polarization symbolizes the conundrum of our current moment and we aren’t likely to come to any resolution soon. This opposition is exact on December 26, and because of the retrograde cycles of both Jupiter and Uranus, it lasts throughout December, January, and February, having its second exact contact on March 3, then returning for one final opposition on September 28.

Saturn provides stability in the midst of the Jupiter/Uranus swings. Saturn, in Sagittarius, trines Uranus, in Aries, as it simultaneously sextiles Jupiter, in Libra. Even on its own, the Jupiter/Uranus opposition has the power to polarize the already polarized! But Saturn mediates the seesaw effect of this opposition through discipline. Saturn symbolizes structure and organization. Uranus symbolizes spontaneity and rebellion. Trines symbolize cooperation, and when Saturn and Uranus work together, their positive force generates the possibility of great growth, especially when efforts are aimed at the highest good. When you add Jupiter to the mix, the overall indication is for good fortune, which we need right now. What’s more, this entire bundle provides the skill to handle difficult situations as well as the ability to persevere in the quest for freedom, something else we need right now. Saturn holds this moderating stance through December and January.

As the coming weeks unfold, use Saturn to stabilize all the areas of your personal life in need of structure or a framework that allows you to feel solid even in the midst of the current political and social storms swirling through daily life and often disrupting regular routines. Nothing is going to be normal for a while, but we’ve had great practice at coping with uncertainty over the last many years. And if I’ve learned anything, I’ve learned that kindness and compassion are the best allies in times of extreme change. Deepen your practice of goodwill toward your fellow travelers and you’ll embrace the true spirit of the times.

Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries March 21-April 19
The Jupiter/Uranus opposition plays out along the relationship axis, and the drama is best characterized as your needs versus the needs of others—and these others are both personal and professional partners. Saturn’s influence makes it possible for you to access the biggest possible perspective on the entire situation, but to successfully see through that lens you must examine personal needs through the scrutiny of common sense.

Taurus April 20-May 20
The Jupiter/Uranus push/pull has you longing for quiet solitude while you simultaneously want to participate in your community. This conflict does not have to become an internal or external brouhaha, but to avoid the drama, you have to be clear about your intentions. Once you have evaluated your need for introspection, which is crucial to your health, you can balance inner work with social activities that won’t deplete your vitality.

Gemini May 21-June 21
The Jupiter/Uranus extremes challenge your desire for self-expression as well as your desire to help others find similar creative outlets. This doesn’t have to be a conflict, especially if you allow Saturn to help you find a healthy structure to your day, with the emphasis on how you spend your time and energy. Contemplate what you want to create and then think about how you can assist others to do the same.

Cancer June 22-July 22
The Jupiter/Uranus opposition highlights the tension between personal needs and professional obligations. Even if you’re a student or retired, those professional needs can be deadlines or obligations that seemingly cannot be avoided. Figure out what’s essential to your health—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—and then let those priorities guide your choices.

Leo July 23-August 22
The Jupiter/Uranus extremes continue to catalyze conversations with significant others about freedom of expression. One part of you is pulled toward just blabbing it all, while the other is focused on the narrowness of a one-sided point of view. Saturn acts as a positive editor providing insight into your motivation and intention, which helps you know the difference between a mean-spirited rant and the truth of your heart.

Virgo August 23-September 22
The Jupiter/Uranus push/pull is all about resources, both external, which means financial, and internal, which means your ability to draw from your internal reservoirs of wisdom and strength. This is not an easy challenge, especially if you’re worried about money, but seen through the wisdom of Saturn, it’s an opportunity to come to terms with how you value yourself.

Libra September 23-October 22
The swing of the Jupiter/Uranus seesaw is a familiar relationship rhythm that mirrors your ongoing efforts to balance your needs with the needs of significant others. But experience has taught you that finding a still point in the midst of change is almost impossible. Rather than spend time trying to stop the swing, let Saturn help you find meaningful solutions to persistent communication problems.

Scorpio October 23-November 21
The wisest way to handle the Jupiter/Uranus flux is finding a middle way between internal dialogue and external conversations. Yes…it does feel as if you have a loudspeaker in your head blaring information you don’t know how to handle. And even though the best remedy for the noise appears to be busy distraction, a more powerful antidote is Saturn’s ability to sort through the internal noise and help you hear what’s really being said.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21
The Jupiter/Uranus challenge is figuring out how to honor your need for personal freedom and still belong to a community of like-minded friends who support your perspective. At first glance, those desires seem to contradict each other—but they don’t have to, especially if you’re committed to honoring the value of differing ideologies. Life is actually richer when we share our common ground through a variety of perspectives.

Capricorn December 22-January 19
The Jupiter/Uranus extremes highlight any conflicts between personal and professional obligations. The good news is that Saturn (your Ruling Planet) has the potential to help you sort through many of these demands with an eye toward identifying which deadline or duty is essential. Once you’ve prioritized your tasks, you’ll find it much easier to handle not only your internal push/pull, but also the demands of family and friends.

Aquarius January 20-February 18
The Jupiter/Uranus opposition has you swinging between the large and little pictures of daily life, trying to figure out which provides the best perspective. They both do, especially if you take the time to understand how the broad perspective informs the particulars of the everyday. Rather than frame these extremes as impossibly separate, contemplate how they are ultimately interconnected and how they can work together harmoniously.

Pisces February 19-March 20
The Jupiter/Uranus push/pull could catch you in a cycle of tension about where to focus your time and energy: Making money? Making progress in personal transformation? Or both? These are not mutually exclusive pursuits. Allow Saturn to regulate efforts to secure a new awareness of your talents, and whether that is through a new resume, promotion or new job, Saturn’s role is helping you identify your value in any setting.
Ralfee Finn specializes in Transformational Astrology. For readings, call 1-212-222-3232, write P.O. Box 343, New York, NY 10025, visit, or e-mail Copyright © 2016 by Ralfee Finn

This article was originally published on December 7, 2016.