Aquarium Age, Blogs

The Aquarium Age: Feb. 29-Mar. 6

By Ralfee Finn

Start your backups, now. And don’t procrastinate.

On March 12, Mercury begins its first retrograde phase of 2012, a phase that lasts until April 4 and a phase that runs concurrently with the continuing Mars Retrograde (which we already know doesn’t end until ten days later, on April 14). Because Mercury and Mars drive the mechanics of daily life, we tend to feel the effect of their simultaneous retrogrades quite keenly – so keenly, that non-believers often convert into astrological zealots. Mercury represents travel, transportation, commerce, and every little thing related to communication. Mars signifies mobility and movement, from moods to muscles to meetings. When they both seemingly travel in reverse, life on Earth resembles an obstacle course of technicalities and trivialities. Patience is a must during any retrograde phase, but especially this one. Skins, already thin from the grueling, yet subtle, effect of the last six weeks of Mars Retrograde, are likely to grow increasingly sensitive over the course of the coming weeks, as Mercury Retrograde kicks in.

While most of us know the Mercury Retrograde drill – review, reflect, and reconsider plans and projects already in motion – this Mercury Retrograde has a unique signature. Mercury goes retrograde in a conjunction to Uranus – a dynamic interaction that begins this week and continues for the first three weeks of March. I love this conjunction because it symbolizes the ability to “think different.” Uranus signifies invention, independence, and revolution; it catalyzes whatever is stagnant and in need of a creative shift. When it combines with Mercury, it stirs mental processes that help the mind to free itself from the shackles of convention. Until the retrograde begins on March 12, this conjunction is going to have minds moving at a breakneck pace. Just don’t lose sight of the speed bumps ahead. By March 9, as Mercury starts to slow down in preparation for its “turn-around,” many creative excursions could run into roadblocks.

This week, we are in the grip of a Sun/Mars opposition that is exact and separating on Saturday, which means we will be feeling its presence well into the beginning of the next workweek. This is a tense interaction that fuels egos and then temper tantrums as a way of assuaging frustrated ambitions. Unless it is really worth fighting over, just let it go – it will be good practice for the coming weeks, when frustration levels are certain to be challenged. Mars doesn’t make direct contact with Mercury during their shared retrogrades, but we will still feel its assertive presence.

Use this week for preparation. Back up everything, and don’t forget to include your tax information. Most importantly, do whatever it is you do to maintain an even keel, and if at all possible, help your fellow travelers to do the same.

If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.

Aries March 21-April 19 

You’re talking – a lot – and while you have much to say, you might also want to be circumspect about the promises you make. In all negotiations, be clear about what you need, but be equally clear about what you can provide.

Taurus April 20-May 20

Remember the first rule of magic: Whatever you focus your attention on becomes your reality. You have a rare opportunity to witness the workings of your mind and to see how your thoughts create your moods and attitudes.

Gemini May 21-June 21

You’re looking for a new approach to a persistent pattern that won’t shift no matter how hard you try. Rather than forcing a specific outcome, try accepting the situation for what it is. That fresh perspective could enliven a creative solution.

Cancer June 22-July 22

Whether it’s in the personal or professional arena, expect to be uncharacteristically outspoken, but also be prepared for your opinions to land you in the spotlight. Don’t worry; this is just more attention than you’re used to.

Leo July 23-August 22

The key to your success is the willingness to shed outdated beliefs, as you simultaneously have the confidence to take as much time as you need finding a new perspective that’s more congruent with what your heart knows to be true.

Virgo August 23-September 22

Have the courage to honestly examine your motives, and you will find the courage to take a stand for what is most true for you. Just try not to confuse well-intentioned righteousness with self-righteousness.

Libra September 23-October 22

Relationship issues are the focus, and it doesn’t matter what your partnership status is. Single or coupled, you’re redefining what it means to relate to yourself and another person while staying steadfast in your integrity.

Scorpio October 23-November 21

Conventional astrological wisdom might advise you to prepare for surprising work developments. But you might also want to avail yourself of unexpected healing opportunities, physical as well as mental and emotional.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21

You’re so plugged into the great creative generator that you need to take special care with your nervous system, especially if you maintain a prolonged connection. The only danger is the possibility of being overwhelmed by your own talent.

Capricorn December 22-January 19

Spend time contemplating what you need to feel safe and secure. Is it money? Affection? Attention? Or a strong internal center based on a deep trust in your own worthiness and capabilities?

Aquarius January 20-February 18

Rather than using your energy holding back, just hold forth. Yes, some of what you say you might later regret, but the majority of your ideas need to be heard. So relax, and just allow the conversations to flow.

Pisces February 19-March 20

It looks like a financial issue, and it may be, but at the core, it’s all about self-esteem and self-confidence. Allow yourself to reexamine how you judge your ultimate worth. Remember: Money is never an accurate measure of the soul.

Ralfee Finn specializes in Transformational Astrology. For readings, call 1-888-937-9264, write P.O. Box 343, New York, NY 10025, visit, or e-mail“> Copyright © 2012 by Ralfee Finn

This article was originally published on February 29, 2012.