To Bee or Not to Bee

By Andy Monaco

by Andy Monaco

Confessions of a novice bee keeper.

beesI don’t know when the thought of keeping bees occurred to me. It could have been weeks or months or years before April 23, 2010, the day I picked up my hive. I drove to Jones Bee Company, located on the edge of Salt Lake civilization and claimed my pre-ordered box of bees. I paid for them, asked a few questions and loaded them in my truck. Home 20 minutes later, I was hit with the realization that I had just become a “beek,” a neighborhood beekeeper. A bee geek. I asked myself, “What was I thinking?” All I really knew about bees is that they are four-winged armed terrorists unconcerned about giving their lives to support the cause.

This article was originally published on December 1, 2010.